Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Rant at the Wannabe....

Yes somtimes, I rant and rage. This was aimed at a person I met who did a one year distance learning masters and thought he knew it all....

You think you are deep, intellectual, smart? You think the cheapskate Masters you have has made you into a thinker, a philosopher? You think you understand the depths of a man's soul and yet you wouldn't know who wrote War and Peace or Crime and Punishment! You have never read the great writers, never explored Calvin or Luther, never understood Plato or Aristotle, never pondered Habermas and the great German philosophers. You have never thought deeply about the complete depravity of man, you have never lived in the darkened shadows of your soul nor been tempted by the hatred that wars within. You have never screamed into the dark night and protested against the light within! You think you are deep and yet you have never read Marquez, Coetzee, Roth. You have never explored the mosaic of human emotion, tempation. You have never danced a wicked dance on an eternal stage in the eternal night. You have never heard death nor life sneak into creation to destroy you, to hunt you! Have you ever known loneliness? Despair? Pain? Anguish? Have you ever fought the monster, the beast? Have you ever seen the devil within and come face to face with the devil you are? Do you know light do, you know dark? Do you know love? Do you know hate? Do you know, know, know? I know you, I know how you perceive yourself and I know you are nothing but a deluded light-weight fake! How does that make you feel? How? You bastard, how? Before I plummet the dagger of fear into your heart into your mind, before I steal your hope and your love, before we war I want to know, know, know?

The lesson, no matter how smart, how many degrees you have, be humble or you just might piss somebody off.

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