Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't let life slip you by....

I wrote this to someone who is dear to my heart...

Remember to always see the good in people and never presume their intent but to try to understand where they come from. Remember to never take things too personally (even when they are) and to try and empathize with others and their issues (even though we have issues of our own). Remember to hold on to the joys and happinesses in our own lives and to see the benefits of who we are. And remember, each day, to remember and celebrate your blessings, thanking God that you are still alive to breathe the (sometimes) fresh air. Remember that in any given circumstance you have the power to choose your own attitude always and not to be enslaved by your own emotion (and this is a tough one and takes a lot of deliberate practice). As Mr. Frankl (an Auschwitz survivor) said: "everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." That is a code to live by and one that ensures no matter what our circumstances, we can still celebrate our own lives and our own joys that flow from within each human being. This empowers us to empower and enable others to know their own joy and their own attitudes.

Don't let life slip you by or other people to get to you. Empower yourself to choose a life of joy, happiness and hope in spite of your circumstances.

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